Category Archives: Doboj

36. The 6th of November : hitch-hiking from Sarajevo to Doboj.

From a round-about. After a while one military man came to me. He didn’t came to speak with me. He waited something. When the car stopped to take him, he told me to come as well. I hitch-hiked with this military guy and an other one in uniform.

The police-looking guy talked to a truck driver and Amar the truck driver brought me to Doboj where i met my friend Eldin. His family welcomed me warmingly and i had a party with Eldin and his friends.

Tomorrow : Zagreb.

IMG_1930.JPGDoboj, from the fortress .


IMG_1934.JPGDinner with Eldin and his family. Delicious Burek, soup, vegetables, rakia. Amazing

IMG_1961.JPGBreakfast with my friend Eldin